How To Make a Dress (1,566 words)
(Via: Here. ) Each breadth must be halved and quartered. Run in a st…
(Via: Here. ) Each breadth must be halved and quartered. Run in a st…
(Via: Here. ) The heavy, rich materials which suit a tall figure,…
(Via: Here. ) massaging…the motion should be a rotary one, al…
(Via: Here. ) The neck to be beautiful must be neither too long no…
(Via: Here. ) The face should be cleansed with tepid water and almond meal instead of soap. The…
(Via: Here . ) Do not rub the face hard. A hard rubbing loosens t…
(Art by me) Read the sequel to: here ….In the back Resa rode on a pile of folded sougans…
(Art by me) …."Them la-di-da folks with the gal in the titty-tight dress?…
(Art by me) ….."Stop it, Badger . You are getting on my nerves.".....…
(Art by me) …… stock up on: fabrics that drape but don't cl…