Are you a beautiful woman in Tanzania? The ugly truth about beauty standards in Tanzania.


Are you a beautiful woman in Tanzania? The ugly truth about Tanzania beauty standards.

While beauty itself is defined as a combination of qualities, such as shape, color or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially sight. It's also said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, something that someone sees a beautiful other is not, and that's why today, I am going to outline what is considered to be a beauty in Tanzania which may not be okay in other parts of the world. Tanzania is an East African country known for its resources rich such as minerals, wild animals, fertile lands among others. Checking on recent reports, Tanzania has a total population of 64,728,367, so there is a significant diverse number of women who have already got men set bars for them for what is considered to be beautiful. So we are going to check some of the facts for what is beautiful in Tanzania; 

  • Big sized women over thin women; Women with bold body features such as curves, hips, backs, legs; in other words if these features look big in size to them, then this is what men prefer to call a beautiful, unlike thin women who are not considered to be beautiful. 

  • Women with baldness over those who don't; In Tanzania, it's encouraged that women should shave their head to enhance their beauty, hair is considered to be rubbish. This is strongly encouraged in schools, and you may be disciplined if you violate.

  • Traditional attires over modern ones; women who cover themselves in traditional pieces such as Khanga, are said to be more beautiful than those who are flaunting their bodies or wear pieces that expose their skin and feminine features. This can also be seen in many Tanzanian tribes such as Maasai, Zaramo, Makonde.

  • Women who wear jewelry over those who don't; handcrafted jewelry is preferred in Tanzania, and is commonly worn by women to preserve their traditions. Maasai is a good example of this. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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