The Subtle signs that she is in Love with you.


Subtle Signs that she loves you

We — men have always been curious to know if women love us or not. Women are automatically shy to tell me directly that they are in love with them — and of course they shouldn't but — we should. Hahaha. Okay?. In fact, new international research from Abertay University has revealed that, – "Men across the world are more likely to say I love you than women". So how do we know that women love us?. — That's why in this article, i present to you most powerful signs that you shouldn't worry again about whether she is in love with you or not. 

  1. She will put you a number one priority.

Women have a preference list of guys that — they frequently communicate with, hangout together with and spend most of time together. — because these men are making them funny and energetic. They are likely to be their best friends but if she is deeply interested in one man, then — there is a greater chance that she is in love with him. So if you watch her putting a lot of time in you that include asking — if you have eaten, asking — your current location and asking who is the person or people you are currently around with. It's a real deal gentlemen.

  1. She will get jealous

Women want to be possessive to guys they love, in other term — they want to be the only owner of you to avoid unnecessary heartbreaks. If this is happening to you — You are lucky. Jealous encompasses the feelings she gets — when she sees you around with other ladies — or you are putting a lot of time talking and chatting with other women. She is getting jealous because she loves you enough to fear losing you because you are an attractive man. In fact, study finds women are more jealous than men of their spouse's opposite-sex friend. 

  1. She will want to be close to you. 

Women want to be close most of the time with the guys they are attracted to. If she is calling and texting you a lot to ask if you she can go out with you — that's pretty amazing. If she wants to give you a company during weekends or holidays — you are winning dude. If she wants to get lunch with you — she is into you. 

  1. She will make effort to impress you.

Compliments are the ones that create impression. So — don't be surprised if the girl smells nice infront of you or — dress nice when she is around you or — buying you random gifts or — she tries to make you laugh and — stuff like these. She will want you to know that you are someone special to her heart. She will always strive to be your cheerleader. So — why doubting whether she is in love with you or not?

  1. She will be affectionate.

It's clear that love creates romantic feelings. If she is constantly — hugging you or —  touching you or — smiling at you or — telling you romantic words like honey, sweet, baby. You should manifest love because these are powerful signs that she is really into you. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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