How to tell if your relationship is ready for marriage?

How to tell if you are ready for marriage

Perhaps — your relationship has lasted for a good number of years or — a decade which is pretty extraordinary and congratulations for that. — So you wonder if you and your partner are ready to get married. If this is what both of you are interested to know, worry out — because— I got you covered. 

Let's dive a little bit — According to the 2010 Pew Research survey — about 61% — of men and women who have never married say they would want to get married. Only 12% — say they do not want to marry and 27% — are not sure. So there are a huge number of people who desire to have a happy marriage that lasts, including both of you. — So what are the best practices for getting ready for marriage? 

  1. You are financially stable and speak the same language.

According to a survey by Suntrust Bank, 35% of married couples named money as the leading cause of relationship stress. Therefore — It's very important that you should prioritize financial stability before getting married. Neglecting that, would cause you into a serious trouble and possibly weakening your marriage. Other thing you should know which concern with money is that — how are you going to deal with money in your marriage?. How are the bills going to be paid? — Is it going to be 50-50? Or you have agreed it to be 60-40? What are the priorities for each of you?. You see — making these discussions and create common ground before getting married will help you to avoid unnecessary troubles.

  1. You speak the same language about kids.

You are likely to differ on the number of kids each one wants. But before getting into marriage, you should consider both of you have the same goals concerning with kids — otherwise your marriage is not going to last. Let's say, If a man wants 5 kids and a woman says 2 kids are enough, that's is going to make marriage works. You should strive to reach an agreement in which both of you will accept when it comes to number of kids you want. Experts also say that when one partner wants to have kids and the other is not, it will possibly lead to disappointment, stress, depression, regret and remorse. 

  1. You have been together for a long time. 

Experts say, you should be dating for at least a year. Why is that even matter?. —  Well — dating for a long time gives both of you the opportunity to know each other better especially your strengths and weaknesses. This is — crucial before getting into marriage. Studies show that 41.1% of all divorce issues are caused by Inadequate preparation. You should have adequate time accepting your differences, flaws and imperfections. 

  1. You speak the same language about religious views.

It's true that as age goes on, there are new religious faiths born. It's very hard to find someone that shares the same religious views as you. Even if love reigns supreme — you should have someone whom you share the same religious views and — is crucial before getting marriage. PsychCentral  says that, If you and your partner have different values, it can be tough to find common ground. Moreover, If your partner ridicules or demeans your religion — it's a clear indication of future conflict. 

  1. You speak the same level of maturity.

Let's agree that it can be annoying if one partner plays as a matured and the other one as a childish. Because there will be the most important agenda to discuss together in order to propel your marriage. Think of things — like trust, forgiveness, personal responsibility or financial issues. Apart from that, you should have an understanding partner before getting into marriage otherwise you immerse yourself into the sea of pain. Having the same level of maturity means both of you will go step by step to solve problems that hinder your marriage. 

Steven Kitumbika

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