Beautiful Countries in Africa 2023— Top List.

Experience the most beautiful countries in Africa 2023.

I give you my word – Africa is the home of wonders— which is very sure thing. — If you take your time and Google "Seven wonders of the world" — at first — you are hundred percent likely to meet with — "The Great Pyramid of Giza" — the extraordinary geographical feature available in the wonderful Egypt. Being the second most largest continent in the world with 30.37 million kilometers square in area and 1.216 billion population as of 2016 — Africa is arguably one of the most interesting continent in the world where tourism is highly encouraged. 

Why do people from other countries prefer to visit Africa, mostly, during vacations? — Well — there must be a reason for it. The beauty of Africa is attributed for its uniqueness of features such as Mount Kilimanjaro, Victoria Falls, Ngorongoro Crater, Sahara Desert, Namib Desert, Nile River, Red sea just to mention a — few of them. But, you and I have asked which country is the most gorgeous, above all, where it attracts most of the population from abroad, purposely for tourism activities. — Well — I got you covered. In this article, we are going to check the most beautiful countries in Africa — so far.

  1. Egypt

Egypt is a famous country linking northeast Africa and the Middle East. I asked my friends to mention their dream travel country and they told me — Egypt. Hahaha. But why Egypt? — Well, It's a remarkable country for its striking and mysterious features. Egypt has the vast sand dunes of the deserts, the oasis, the Nile. It's captivating Capital Cairo, countless temples and tombs along the river bank.

  1. South Africa.

Trust me — South Africa is an epitome of rich energy culture. South Africa has gained international reputation because it is a more accomplished country in all spheres of life, be it economically, socially and politically. But we aren't talking about the economy, or social or political issue— let's be clear, we are talking about its beauty. South Africa is the dearest country because of enthralling geographical features. Think about — Kruger national park, Sabi sand game reserve, Cape town, The garden route and The Drakensberg.

  1. Tanzania.

I am from Tanzania and I know this country — a lot. Tanzania is a gorgeous land endowed with natural resources and impeccable tourist attractions. Tanzania is among the list of the most beautiful countries in Africa, mainly, because of its jaw-dropping geographical locations. Google these places and you won't be disappointed — Ngorongoro conservation area, cultural tours in the Maasai community, the Datoga people, Hadzabe people, Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro. Its beauty is also enhanced by the generosity of its people and above all, Peace. 

  1. Kenya.

Kenya is a bold country located in East Africa. It has been taking the lead economically among the countries forming East Africa community. We all adore Kenya for its breathtaking geographical features that are making it a dreamy country. Let's talk about Lolldaiga Main gate, Mount Kenya National Park, Ngarengare forest, Buffalo springs national reserve and Mount Kenya wildlife conservacy. 

  1. Namibia.

You and I can think Namibia as a heavenly village because of its extremely low population. Data and statistics from World Bank in 2021, showed that Namibia had an estimate population of 2.53 million. Tourism experts in Namibia suggest that you should visit these places because of their life-changing experience — Sossusvlei, Etosha National Park, Skeleton Coast, Damaraland, Victoria Falls, Namib-Naukluft Park, Caprivi, Kalahari and many others just like your geography teacher taught you during your old— school days. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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