How often should you shampoo your ethnic hair? (Including five steps to shampoo ethnic hair)

How often should you shampoo hair including the five steps to shampoo your hair

Experts recommend washing your hair every 7 days to 10 days to get the results that signal your beautiful hair. This is the optimal amount to keep your hair healthy. 

Frequent shampooing of hair makes hair dry. 

 When it comes to shampooing ethnic hair—texture comes first. If your hair is very thin, you should shampoo it more often. But this case is not suitable for someone with medium height or coarse hair. 

 For owners of coarse hair—it is recommended to wash and moisturize the hair before shampooing. It helps remove product build-up such as gel,  grease, foam and conditioner. 

 Here are  five (5) steps to shampoo ethnic hair. 

  1. Washing your hair with shampoo is simple and practical in the shower or  sink.  

  1. Squeeze one tablespoon of shampoo directly into the palm of your hand, then massage the shampoo through your head for  maximum effect. 

  1.  Start massaging your scalp with your fingertips. Scratching your nails will damage your scalp, so don't use it. You should move your fingers from the base of your hair to the nape of your neck. 

  1.  if you have tightly curled hair, shampooing will become ineffective because you are pulling your hair over your head, causing unnecessary tangles. Therefore, you should avoid experimenting for the sake of efficiency. 

  1.  If you have frizzier hair, this process is difficult and you need to apply and wash the shampoo two or three times to be effective. Each flush lasts about one to two minutes.

Steven Kitumbika

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