The face should be cleansed with tepid water and almond meal instead of soap. The action of the almond meal upon the face is soothing and cooling.
With the cold cream or the skin food massage away the wrinkles made by a hard day. With rotary motion, massage away from the corners of the eyes to the hair line. In the same way, with the tips of the fingers, iron out the lines which have concentration written between the eye-brows.
With the tips of the middle fingers, massage the lines upward from the corners of the lips to the nostrils, and try to eradicate the ugly little lines in front of the ears by rubbing gently upward.
The care of the complexion in winter differs considerably from that in summer. It's easy to do the complexion irreparable injury in summer. One too long fishing jaunt, one automobile dash with the skin ill protected against the burning sun; a too long dawdling in the toasting sands, and the evil is done.
The one beautiful complexion has become a memory. In its place is only a dry, withered remnant of what was once a fresh, soft, rose-like skin. How to prevent such a tragedy to beauty—for no woman was ever beautiful without a good complexion, and no woman with a good complexion can be less than attractive—I shall try to tell you. First and last and always, vigilance.
First prepare your skin for an outing. It's best never to use hot water on the skin. But if you insist upon that pernicious habit, at least do not use it shortly before going out, for the hot water renders the skin acutely sensitive to any new influence. The wind cuts more deeply into it. The sun's rays burn farther. They reach the danger line to which I have referred, and that really exists.
To prepare the skin for its battle with the elements of a long summer day, the face should be cleansed with tepid water and almond meal instead of soap. The action of the almond meal upon the face is soothing and cooling. Before going out into the heat, dust the face lightly with rice powder, which will adhere better if a very light coat of cold cream has first been administered.