Normal Skin Doesn't Exist Anymore! Here is Why.


Normal skin doesn't exist anymore here is Why

There is a popular argument within the beauty industry that spells as "normal skin doesn't exist anymore". Is it true or not? So let's dive in depth for a clear understanding of the notion.  

The fact that the cosmetic industry engages in production of an array of bottles that will cater a wide range of skin types, promising to bring back renewal, glowing, nourishing and healthy looking skin under the umbrella of essential regimens and complex formulas yet the industry recognizes these three types of skin as follows—combination oily, combination dry and dehydrated oily. 

Each one of us normalizes the traits exhibited by his or her skin. These include shiny T-zone and some dryness on parts of skin such as forehead, nose and chin. Each day—the cosmetic industry glorifies their lotions and potions as magical, healing, and revitalizing on the skin. But we have to come to a point that some imperfections on our skin are natural and won't be eliminated by skin care products. The likelihood example is already mentioned as T-zone. 

We are falling victim to trying the already said glamorous concoctions in the hope of making our skin feel healthy and younger again without asking ourselves whether these chemical cocktails will improve or destroy our skin. 

The brilliant skin care guru—Susan West Kurz who is a renowned president of Dr. Hauschka Skin Care said, "Healthy skin isn't a quick fix". She also said, "if you apply a cortisone cream, the blemish will go away, but the problem still exists within the system". This implies that you haven't eliminated the root of a problem and there is a great possibility that blemishes will happen in the future.   

 There is always a long run to achieve a perfect polished look on a skin. This includes rigorous understanding of your skin type and following closely your dermatologist's advice. Knowing how skin works is vital too. 

To picture how complex skin is according to scientific data; a piece of square inch of skin comprises 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, 60, 000 melanocytes and more than a thousand nerve endings—the biology of skin says. 

The 2 millimeters thickness of the skin undergoes a complex mechanism to regulate anything from temperature of the body, absorption of sun energy and converting it into vitamins for the benefit of our skin to repelling harmful UV radiation that may otherwise destroy our skin. Other critical roles of the skin include storing fats and water, removing waste and it's a sensational organ. 

Our skin comprises three layers that work fantastically together, these include a top layer or called epidermis, stratum corneum ("horny layer") and a dermis. Normal skin doesn't exist because of naturally occuring imperfections on our skin. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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