The Four (4) Steps To A Smooth Finish When Applying Lip Liner.

Four steps required to apply a lip liner


My Notes: 
O'er which love breathed a fierce enchantment,
The truth of whispering hope to tell,
Her, too, a lovelier lip array,
Than, even in lip liner's lingo,
Her pink mauve lips arrayed, 
And statelier magic on the lips!

  1. A lip primer, a small amount of foundation, or a creamy concealer are necessary products that will prepare your lips from the start. Its goal is to counterbalance your natural lip color so that your finished product sounds rich and flawless. In order to achieve a defined line with the lip liner, lip perfector must be applied outside of the liner. 


  1. Start in the center of the V to outline the brow in the first phases, making sure that both sides are sharp mirror images of one another. The following step is balancing the mouth by emphasizing the middle of the bottom lip. To fix the shape, you must draw either inside or outside the natural lip line. 


  1. With reference to the upper lip, the lines need to be removed to the outside corners. Use a pencil to draw short, feathery strokes to avoid producing harsh or unnatural lines. Remember that you must have complete symmetry on both sides.Check to see if your lip color is uniform and well-balanced before repeating the technique on the lower lip.  

  1. The idea is to create an even base before applying lipstick to guarantee that it sticks and stays in place for longer. Fill in the remaining portion of your lip with a pencil to ensure that your entire lip has lip liner on it. A brush will assist you in creating a smooth base for your eyeliner application if you are using a vibrant color. The added bonus is that you'll still have color throughout rather than just an outline if your lipstick does fade off. 

The best suggestion is to trace over the back of your hand with your pencil tip to warm it up before covering your mouth. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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