Three (3) Steps to a Sophisticated Hairstyle: Styling a Ponytail.


Styling Ponytail Hairstyle

Much coaxing backed by flirtatious and puce in color—indeed—ensconced against belligerent. Queer ponytail—is fondly beautifully and—accented with dignified simplicity. 

When worn high on the head—ponytails are a fantastic trend to attempt for an edgy evening look. A high, tight ponytail is an outstanding option—particularly if you want to give the appearance of having more lift. Due to its simplicity of styling—unwashed hair is what you should use for ponytails.


Smoothing brush, covered elastic band or piece of wet string, bobby pins, shine enhancing spray. 


  1. Brushing your hair, pulling it back, and securing a hairpiece—like a covered elastic band—on top of your crown can give you a colorful impression. Instead—to hold the hair in place firmly, you can work with a damp piece of string that shrinks as soon as it gets dried. 

  1. Wrap a strand of hair from a ponytail around the band of your hair—and tie it under with a hairpin. Alternatively, you can conceal the band with a scarf. 

  1. For effortless hair smoothing—use a shine-enhancing spray.   

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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