Designing Senegalese Twists With Six Steps

Senegalese Twists styling


The—the seeds of bohemian—are sown on hairline by rolling and twisting motions—bursting into uncontrollable, gigantic hyacinthine (rare and enviable.) Challenging naïvete, the villain echoes—by nods and winks senegalese twists. 

S—Senegalese twists cherish their fons et origo—in West Africa. These braids are concocted exerting—lin, synthetic material, kanekalon, or yarn extension material. It maneuvers—a two-strand braiding adroitness. Precontrive irrevocable style—to ascertain how oodles are desideratum materials. This will be figured out—by the length of the coveted extension and—the size of the partings. Split up and cut to the sought-after length. To lay the hair and scalp—shampoo, utilize hot oil treatment, and blow dry. Dead ringer extension material—to the hair color and texture. 

  1. Hit the trail by fractionating the entire head—bisectionally from ear to ear. 

  1. Infinitesimally above the ear—with the tail of the comb—create a 45-degree part down toward the neck. The smallerness or largeness of the portion—is regulated by the size of the twist you are persuaded to make. 

  1. Create a subsection above the ear. Sunder the created subsection—into two coequal-size parts. Section off a statutory amount of extension material. Locate the extension strip—between the two one and the same parts. 

  1. Concurrently—it's sine qua non to conduct two twisting motions. The first one is to roll the fiber between both of your fingers—as a road to indemnify the natural hair into the fiber. The second twisting motion confiscates—the rolled fiber and hair, and twists or overlaps one strand over the other. This rolling motion is performed with the fingertip—and must be very tight. 

  1. Carry on the double twisting motion—for the whole length of the strand. Roll and cross strands up until—you reach the ends. Loop and knot the twists to close. Prune superfluous fiber. 

  1. Set the seal on ends—deploy singeing method or knot and cut close. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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