Beyond The Basics: Unlatching Deuce-ace Hoodwinks To Fig Up

Tips for dressing better


With her warm flannel nightgown whizzing around her ankle[s] —the minty pink robe waggling out behind her—and her pink slippers tapping on the bare wood of the hall—Brigitte went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of cocoa to go with Apollo's scrumptious new variety on the market, shortbread cookies—made exclusively at Christmas.

In the affirmative—cogitate figure flattery as Dressing 101—and burgeoning your style as a commodity more trailblazing. Tout de suite—you have grasped nut[s] and bolt[s], haven't you? (core1, core2, core3, core4, and core5). Hound these three—dummy runs for the bee's knee[s] to polish. Okey-dokey.

  1. Step 1: Heighten Your Potencies.

Stupendous legs, easy on the eye face, tantalizing cleavage, to die for shoulders, a long neck, amazeballs hair, whatsoever feature[s] you idolize about yourself—need to be cynosure by your ensemble. Shine, pattern, bright and light colors, details and skin all enthrall the eye—so bring them into play to flaunt your assets. 

  1. Step 2: Mature a Signature Look.

Once upon a time—Virginia Woolf said, "Vain trifles as they seem, clothing….change[s] our view of the world and the world's view of us." Subsequently—people favor forming a fledgling school of thoughts by aura—so give them a sip of your flavor, the unfeigned you. You can perpetrate this in stunted ways—by inevitably wearing your best-loved color or accessory. Or proceed further and evolve a full uniform—constructed on whatever it is that compels you to vibe your best. Even if it's a swish pantsuit or a coquettish dress—wearing some variety of it quotidian of the year isn't boring—it's just very you. 

  1. Step 3: And don't Shrug Off…..

  • Good Posture.

Mama does know best: heaving your head—and authorizing your shoulders to hang back and down—is the isolated simplest thing you can perform for yourself. It creates an illusion of taller, thinner, shedload sophisticated, and eleventy level-headed. So take to heart mom's tip-offs and remain unruffled!

  • Spiffy Haircut.

A fine haircut is able to do as much for you—as a chic vacation. It prettifies your eyes, makes your face fetching—and can decidedly make you look juvenile. Achcha—satisfactory haircuts can be extortionate—but what they build on to chief appearance makes them worth every penny. From that point on—your hair is anterior and epicenter, get a haircut you can manipulate at all times—not one that scans sassy solely when a maven styles it. It's also an ethical thought—to have an exigency styling masterplan for godawful weather—and one for those days when you are belated for your next cut. 

  • Confidence.

Untold number of the most glamorous people on earth—are not the most stylish. But they diffuse a self-assurance and a sensation of calm—that act like a magnet—and get them perceived no matter what they are wearing. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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