Dealing With Clothes and Massage to Redefine an Appearance of a Neck

Dealing with clothes and massage to make a neck beautiful


massaging…the motion should be a rotary one, always the best movement for rebuilding tissue because it induces circulation, which feeds the starved, atrophied portions.

The manner of the trimming of a high-neck gown and the line at which the low-cut gown is finished determine whether the neck looks longer than it is or shorter. If the neck is short the collar should be of solid colours or be trimmed with perpendicular lines. The low-necked gown should be cut lower than that of the woman with the long neck, for the neck is more dependent upon its surroundings for its effect than is any other part of the body.

If there is a wide sweep of the shoulders the long line from the point of shoulders to the chin will lend itself to the neck and make the neck seem longer than it would if the gown were merely one of the collarless sort with a line of cloth defining where the neck actually begins. 

If the neck is long the problem is an easier one, especially at times when much dressing for the neck is in vogue. Even an ostrich's neck could be so wrapped about with laces, with collars and ties of a contrasting colour which would cut the apparent length, that it would be far less conscious than unadorned. 

I should say it could be made to look a foot shorter. The human neck can be dressed to make a proportionate change of appearance. The extremely low décolletage is less becoming to the woman with the long neck. If she must adopt it, or thinks she must, she should wear her jewels or band of ribbon about her neck to make her neck seem shorter.

The drooping Madonna poise of the head may be becomingly affected by the woman with the long neck, especially when sitting for her photographs. The neck, I have said before, must be neither too fat nor too lean. To correct either too much or too little flesh upon the neck we must summon the aid of that lieutenant to beauty, massage. 

On the beautiful neck the flesh is evenly distributed. The neck should be, save for the two parallel lines about an inch apart which encircle the neck and are seen on the necks even of babes perfectly smooth. If the flesh is uneven, persistent, skillful massage should redistribute the disproportionate bulk of flesh. 

There is always a possibility that the neck will be flat in front and display thick layers of fat at the sides and back. This can be corrected by patient and careful massage. The front of the neck should be made plumper by massage. Olive oil or pure cold cream should be freely rubbed into the skin by the first three fingers of each hand.

Massaging first on the right side of the neck with the right hand, then on the left with the left hand, then with both hands together. The motion should be a rotary one, always the best movement for rebuilding tissue because it induces circulation, which feeds the starved, atrophied portions. 

To reduce the bulk of the back and side of the neck a reducing lotion should be applied by long, sweeping, downward strokes, the effect of which strokes is to melt the flesh downward into the larger masses of flesh on the shoulders 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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