Treat, Soften, and Whiten the Complexion With These Facial Massage Lotions and Creams.

Creams and lotions that soften, whiten and treat the Complexion

Choosing a cream or lotion that will treat, soften, and brighten the skin is a smart move. Any skin-softening treatment is probably going to have a little bleaching impact. 

However, if you would prefer a faster-acting cream, you may try a paste prepared with two ounces of sweet almond oil, 160 grains of spermaceti and white max, 50 grains of benzoin powdered and sifted, 160 grains of rice starch, and seven and a half grains of pure carmine. 

As the benzoin is added, the wax and spermaceti are melted in a cup filled with boiling water. When the fats are melted and the cup is taken from the heat, the oil is added. Carmine and starch are combined while the liquid is briefly beaten with a fork. Care must be used during blending to avoid lumps.   

Just before the grease solidifies, add two drops of violet oil if you want to use a scent. Because of the benzoin, the cream has a particularly whitening effect, especially when applied to skin in the evening before powder is applied. 

During the day, it may also be applied to the cheekbones to remove any excess before applying powder. Its effects on the skin are positive. 

A lotion consisting of one and a half drams of citric acid, five and a half ounces of hot water, a dram of borax, and half an ounce of glycerine would be nice if you use a grease and still want to use a tonic. 

The glycerine is added last to the mixture after the borax and acid have been dissolved. You can apply it to your face whenever you like, being sure to remove it before leaving the house. If your skin is dusty after coming in from the street, this lotion works well as a gentle cleanser. Just wipe your face liberally, then wash it with warm water and rinse it off with a cold one.   

Two ounces of pure honey, half an ounce of glycerine, half an ounce of rectified spirits, and one and a half drams of pure citric acid are the ingredients of another lotion. In a cup placed in boiling water, combine the glycerine and honey and let them mix thoroughly. After the acid has been dissolved, add the spirits.  

Before blending the spirits, the grease has to be cool. Similar to the first lotion, this may be applied whenever you like, and your skin will look better if you use the liquid as a washing agent before using water. 

Steven Kitumbika

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