An Introduction to Four (4) Hair Types: Normal Hair to Dry Hair—and How to Determine Your Hair Type.

Hair types from dry hair to normal hair


Story Snapshot:
Because they are imperious—and our hairs are inextricably interwoven with them—our hair types are bred based on—the condition of the scalp, shaft, or weather.

Most people wash their hair too often—as a result of not knowing their hair type. These three factors determine your hair type without a doubt. First, how is your scalp looking? Does it seem oily, dry, or flaky? Second, how would you characterize your hair—is it straight, curly, wavy, coarse, frizzy, or color-treated?Three: The weather in your favorite place—which can be hot, humid, dry, damp or windy.

Normal Hair.

This is your hair type if it doesn't lean—toward being dry or oily. This is arguably the ideal hair kind, therefore you should be proud of it. Use gentle hair care products—to take care of your hair. Maintaining your hair neat, hydrated, and shielded—from damaging environmental factors is the aim.

Combination Hair.

Following five to six hours of washing—you have a combination of oily and dry hair if you see evidence of oiliness around the roots of your hair while the ends tend to be dry. In addition to excessive use of styling products and conditioners—environmental factors like pollution and humidity can exacerbate the oiliness of your hair.  

Oily Hair.

Longer hair shafts with oily hair tend to look greasy—drab—and—unclean. Part your hair, run a fingers down your scalp lightly, and then massage your thumb and forefinger together if you see oily hair. If your scalp feels slick, it's because there are a lot of greasy—hyperactive sebum glands there.

Dry Hair.

Dullness, lifelessness, and parched hair are common symptoms of having dry hair. Your hair may appear straw-colored and fuzzy as dry hair becomes more noticeable. Examine the white flakes on your scalp if you find it to be dry before brushing them off. Small, powdery flakes may—form as a result of stress, excessive alcohol consumption, and exhaustion. Dandruff is present if the flakes are bigger, transparent, and wet. Rather than a dry scalp—excessive sebum production in the hair follicles can cause dandruff.   


The best method to figure out your hair type is to wash your hair as usual and then let it air dry naturally. When you wake up the following morning—you should evaluate your hair for signs of oiliness or dryness before giving it another wash. As long as your hair type doesn't alter to fit your surroundings—it can change. If your hair is permed or chemically dyed—it's possible that the shaft and scalp will get drier. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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