How to Carry Body Bronzing Off Successfully

How to perform body bronzing


A gong had been struck somewhere—in the depths of the warehouse. Its echoes rang through—the creeping fog, deep and hollow. On cue the massive doors were pulled open. The blue smoke of incense—mingled with the tendrils of fog and—Kadhija Anangikwe appeared in the midst like a djinn. Over her evening clothes Khadija wore a mandarin gown qipao and—her buttermelt bronzed body shone with wicked amusement. "Welcome, all my friends," she said gingerly. "Welcome to the Forbidden City."

Y-Your diamond glow is missing, my lady, and the aquamarine lustrous as well. I—I've checked everywhere!. Good God! —The sheer corollary of a bronze is an excogitate part of the body's adornment—typically if you have a pallid complexion and this is no time to succumb to its hysterics—let's pull it off.

  1. Step One

Concoct a skin by—tonsuring your legs, exfoliating and moisturizing—and smear ancillary moisturizer to knees, ankles, toes, elbows, knuckles and circling your underarms—which are drier and have a behavior of soaking up an excessive tanner. Let the skin dry in depth.  

  1. Step Two

Wear latex gloves—then smear a quarter-size dollop of self-tanner (in case you are working with a spray, retain it eight inches far from skin, alternatively—use an egg-size amount of mousse) to enfold the shin and calf of one leg. Brush it down over the ankle, foot and toes (escape the nails). Roll another quarter-size dab onto your thigh from front to back. Work with excess to cover your knee in a delicate, circular motion. Carry over the process on the other leg. 

  1. Step Three

Smear the similar amount to hips, tummy (exclude your belly button, since it will get crowded there and becomes darker than the encompassing area), and torso. Blend the excess amount up to your neck. Next—smear a quarter-size dollop on both shoulders and upper arms—blending in excess on the underside of your arms and very minimal on your elbows. Smear a nickel-size quantity onto your forearms—and have someone do your back. 

  1. Step Four

Cast off the gloves—and smooth a minimal dab from your wrist over the backs of your hand. Go easy on your finger in order to prevent self-tanner from gathering in your knuckles. Get rid of any self-tanner on your nails and cuticles—using a cotton swab drenched in a nail polish remover. Cleanse your palms, use soap and water; wait for about 30 minutes before getting dressed. Upon getting your skin dried—lighten any excessive dark regions by kneading them, use a wet face-cloth, a granular scrub or a cotton ball soaked in a nail polish remover. 

Steven Kitumbika

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