How to Apply Subtle Eye Makeup if Your Eyes Slope Downward.

How to do eye makeup if you have slope downward eyes


Story Snapshot: Decorum in eye makeup that bestows special praise for the finesse of its finish and strikes chords of joy, love and grace to inflect sensationalist.

The appearance of fatigue and sadness is mostly caused by the eyes' downward tilt in the outer corners. When applying makeup, elevate the outer corners of your eyes with a flick or richer color. Use a light hue beneath the outer corners of the eyes to give them a lift. 

Subtle Day Look. 

  1. After prepping the eyes, cover the movable lids with a wash of neutral, warm peach beige eyeshadow. 

  1. Apply a strong toning tone starting at the lash lines and working your way up to the socket crease on the outer corners of the eyes. It's important to soften the edges and pay close attention to mixing the color above the crease to create lift. 

  1. Apply a light skin-tone eyeshadow under the outside part of the lower lashes to brighten and lift the corners that slope downward.

  1. After curling the lashes, use a mascara that lengthens them to open up the eyes. 

Fashionable Nightime Look.    

  1. A strong brown eyeshadow applied along the upper lash lines, exactly at the roots of the lashes, is perfect for adding depth and definition to your eyes. Stop just before the outside corners.

  1. Make sure to integrate the darker shade well when applying it above the outer third of the eye and at the upper point from the lash lines. 

  1. The outer corners of the upper lashes should be lifted and given another layer of mascara.  


  1. When applying eyeliner, start at the middle of the upper lash and work your way outward as normal. The key is to create lift rather than mimic the natural slant of the eye. 

  1. Smudge your eyeliner to get a softer look when applying it on the lower lash lines. The ending point should be slightly in from the outer corners.   

  1. A heavier shade of eyeshadow will meld into the socket, so your choice should be a pale or mid-tone. Lift it slightly inward from the outer corners to start, then blend upward and outward. 

  1. Curling your lashes is essential for brightening up your eyes. 

Steven Kitumbika

insider in the industry with a distinct style and sense for beauty and fashion. As a result, I will be providing you guys with top-notch material, ranging from beauty to fashion and everything in between.

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